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キーワード: RSS2.0配信
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分類:ネットワーク     著者:C15年     更新日付:2008/12/21
ポート番号 tcp/udp サービス 説明
2500 tcp/udp rtsserv Resource Tracking system server
2501 tcp/udp rtsclient Resource Tracking system client
2502-2524 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2525 tcp/udp ms-v-worlds MS V-Worlds
2526 tcp/udp ema-sent-lm EMA License Manager
2527 tcp/udp iqserver IQ Server
2528 tcp/udp ncr_ccl NCR CCL
2529 tcp/udp utsftp UTS FTP
2530 tcp/udp vrcommerce VR Commerce
2531 tcp/udp ito-e-gui ITO-E GUI
2532 tcp/udp ovtopmd OVTOPMD
2533 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2534 tcp/udp combox-web-acc Combox Web Access
2535-2563 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2564 tcp hp-3000-telnet HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet
2565-2591 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2592 tcp/udp netrek netrek
2593 tcp/udp mns-mail MNS Mail Notice Service
2594-2627 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2628 tcp/udp dict DICT
2629 tcp/udp sitaraserver Sitara Server
2630 tcp/udp sitaramgmt Sitara Management
2631 tcp/udp sitaradir Sitara Dir
2632 tcp/udp irdg-post IRdg Post
2633 tcp/udp interintelli InterIntelli
2634 tcp/udp pk-electronics PK Electronics
2635 tcp/udp backburner Back Burner
2636 tcp/udp solve Solve
2637 tcp/udp imdocsvc Import Document Service
2638 tcp/udp sybaseanywhere Sybase Anywhere
2639 tcp/udp aminet AMInet
2640 tcp/udp sai_sentlm Sabbagh Associates Licence Manager
2641 tcp/udp hdl-srv HDL Server
2642 tcp/udp tragic Tragic
2643 tcp/udp gte-samp GTE-SAMP
2644 tcp/udp travsoft-ipx-t Travsoft IPX Tunnel
2645 tcp/udp novell-ipx-cmd Novell IPX CMD
2646 tcp and-lm AND Licence Manager
2646 udp and-lm AND License Manager
2647 tcp/udp syncserver SyncServer
2648 tcp/udp upsnotifyprot Upsnotifyprot
2649 tcp/udp vpsipport VPSIPPORT
2650 tcp/udp eristwoguns eristwoguns
2651 tcp/udp ebinsite EBInSite
2652 tcp/udp interpathpanel InterPathPanel
2653 tcp/udp sonus Sonus
2654 tcp/udp corel_vncadmin Corel VNC Admin
2655 tcp/udp unglue UNIX Nt Glue
2656 tcp/udp kana Kana
2657 tcp/udp sns-dispatcher SNS Dispatcher
2658 tcp/udp sns-admin SNS Admin
2659 tcp/udp sns-query SNS Query
2660-2699 tcp/udp # Unassigned
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